Become a writer

Write for Us | Swim Fast Stay Fit

Are you passionate about swimming? Do you have valuable insights and experiences to share with the swimming community? Swim Fast Stay Fit is always looking for talented writers to contribute to our platform. Join us in our mission to support and inspire swimmers of all levels.

Why Write for Swim Fast Stay Fit?

  • Reach a Targeted Audience: Share your expertise with a dedicated community of swimmers, coaches, and enthusiasts.
  • Showcase Your Knowledge: Establish yourself as an authority in the swimming world by writing about training techniques, nutrition, mental preparation, and gear reviews.
  • Inspire and Educate: Help swimmers achieve their goals by providing practical advice, motivational stories, and the latest news in the sport.
  • Flexible Contribution: Whether you want to write regularly or submit occasional articles, we welcome your contributions.

What We’re Looking For

Training and Technique

Tips and guides on improving swimming techniques, strength training, endurance, and flexibility.


Advice on meal plans, supplements, and dietary practices to enhance performance.

Mental Training

Strategies for building focus, resilience, and mental toughness in swimming.

Gear Reviews

In-depth reviews of swimming gear, including swimsuits, goggles, training aids, and tech gadgets.

Swimming News

Updates on competitions, records, and innovations in the swimming world.

Personal Stories

Inspirational stories and experiences from swimmers, coaches, and industry professionals.

How to Apply

To become a writer for Swim Fast Stay Fit, please send the following to [email protected]:

A brief introduction: Tell us about yourself and your background in swimming.

Writing samples: Provide links or attachments to previous articles or blog posts you’ve written.

Article ideas: Share a few topics or headlines you’d like to write about.

Join Our Team

At Swim Fast Stay Fit, we believe in the power of community and the sharing of knowledge. By contributing your writing, you’ll be helping swimmers around the world achieve their best. We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your passion for swimming with our audience.

Apply Now