Close-up view of board game pieces and dice on a game board. Perfect for recreation and strategy themes.

10 Swimming Games both Kids and Adults can Play


A hot day is always well spent if you have a pool attached to your home. But, even with a pool, everyone cannot make the most out of it. 

Not all of us know about the most fun pool games. If you’re also out of ideas and would love to explore some fun pool games for yourself and the kids, try the following games –

5 Best Swimming Games for Kids

Playing games in the pool can be fun and recreational. If your kids love to play in the water, try these fun games. 

1. Cannonball Contest

You can use the water cannonball contest as the go-to game to get your kids in the gaming mood. 

It’s a fun poolside game where you need at least two players. Now, whether you’ll include boards or not is up to you. You can have a board or let the kids jump into the pool right from the edge of the pool. Here’s how the game works: 

Cannonball contest is all about creating the biggest splash in the water. So, have your kids jump into the water with the aim of creating a big splash. 

2. Mr. Shark, What Time is it? 

There’s no better game than Mr. Shark if you want to keep the kids entertained throughout the day. You need four people to play this game. This game is particularly great for kids who are learning to swim

Here, the shark has to stand at one end of the pool facing the other way. On the opposite side of the pool, the kids have to stand in a group. The kids will stand facing the shark. The group of kids have to ask the shark what time it is. 

For every single hour, the shark tells them the kids have to take one step. The game continues till the point where the kids are nearing Mr. Shark, and he answers the kids’ question, “it’s dinner time.” This is the end point where Mr. Shark can choose a new shark. 

It’s a fun game for kids, and adults don’t need much intervention since it’s a safe game. As a parent, you can watch the kids play from a safe distance or play on your smartphone.

3. Shark & Minnows

Here’s a swimming game kids can play without any gaming equipment. This is a fun game to play if you’re in a swimming club. Yes, you’ll need at least 10 people to play this game. So, the more kids you have playing this game, the better. But what does this game stand for anyway? Well, your kids will just play tag in the water.

Yes, this game is similar to the Mr. Shark game. The only thing is that there are more players, and the shark can tag the Minnows to become a shark. Mr. Shark has to stay in the middle of the playing area. 

When he’s saying, “fishy fishy, come out to play,” the Minnows will take one step at a time toward him. When the shark says “shark attack,” the Minnows have to run toward the other side of the boundary line. But, if Mr. Shark tags someone, they’ll become a shark. 

4. Diving For Treasure

Kids would love to jump into the pool in search of treasures. This pool game for kids is fun and can be even more fun if you have at least 4 to 6 children playing it. However, this game requires swimming goggles and treasures. You can get creative with the treasure that will get scattered all over the pool. 

This is a good diving game. The adult player has to yell, “Go!” the players have to jump into the pool and collect as many treasures as they can. If it’s hard to collect all the treasures at once, they can collect whatever they can at one go and pile them up at a place beside the pool. Then, they can jump to get more of these treasures. 

Safety Tip for Adults: You don’t need to actively take part in this game. You can relax once the game starts and play mobile games like Ninewin UK on your smartphone. But it’s best to stay focused on the kids. They can become too competitive, and if the pool is too crowded, there can be chances of an accident. 

5. Invisi-Bottle

Invisi-Bottle is a fun and competitive for kids to play. This game also doesn’t require too many players. Two players are enough. Here’s one thing to remember. You’ll need a water bottle. A transparent water bottle filled with pool water and capped with a white or transparent cap is the best.

Here’s how to play – ask the kids to face their backs against the pool. Then you count three and throw the bottle into the pool. When kids hear the water splash, they can jump into the pool. They have to find the bottle in the pool, and whoever gets it back is the winner. It’s a challenging game since the bottle can blend into the water. 

5 Best Swimming Games for Adults

Don’t worry; we’ve also left some games for the adults. Try the following games we’ve listed for adults –

1. Noodle Joust

In this game, you’ll use the pool noodle and try to knock the competitor off-balance. If they step outside the circle, they are out of the game. When they step one or two feet outside the mentioned boundary, the become the winners. 

2. Chicken Fight

You can play the chicken fight game in the lake or the swimming pool. This game requires the players to compete against each other while riding on their teammate’s shoulders. Each opponent has to try to knock down their opponents into the water. The last duo standing claims the victory. 

3. Water Polo

This game requires a rectangular and deep pool that has two floating net goals on both sides of the pool. The pool is built using the FINA rules and regulations. You can play this game if the pool is equipped for water polo. You’ll have a ball you pass on to the other teammates who throw it at the goal. This is a legitimate sport and is played internationally. 

4. Water Volleyball

If water polo feels too overwhelming, you can play water volleyball instead. It’s a game requiring a ball (a beach ball will do) and a net. This is a game you can play with six or more players in the pool. 

5. Pool Scrabble

A pool game for adults with an educational twist? Well, you can try Pool Scrabble. What you need for this game are – Pieces of sponges cut in half and a permanent marker. Right letters on the pieces of sponges and create small tiles that are floating. It’s best to have as many players as you can for this game. Have each player draw out sponges from the pool to create a word.